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Atrial Fibrillation Burden and Timing of Medical Therapy in Patients with Screen-Detected and Clinically-Diagnosed AF


HMP Education would appreciate your feedback on the quality and impact of this activity.

Please answer the following questions, some of which include a 5-point Likert scale (5 = strongly agree/excellent/great deal; 1 = strongly disagree/poor/very little).

*Please answer the below question relating to information presented in the proram. A recent meta-analysis of two large, randomized trials (NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA) concluded which of the following with regard to whether oral anticoagulation is effective and safe in patients with device-detected AF (also known as subclinical AF or atrial high-rate episodes)?
Did this activity meet your educational needs?
Did this activity increase your competence?
Do you feel like there were any new data presented during this activity?

Did you learn anything new?

Did you gain confidence in your ability to act on the new information?

Did this activity include opportunities to learn as a part of a healthcare team?

Please answer the following question using a 5-point likert scale (5 = a great deal, 3 = a modest amount, 1 = nothing at all).

How much did you learn as a result of this session?

Please rate the following components related to this activity using a 5-point likert scale (5 = excellent, 3 = good, 1 = poor).

Relevance to your practice 
Educational format 

Please rate the faculty on their knowledge, expertise, and teaching ability (5= excellent, 3 = good, 1 = poor).

Rod Passman, MD
Mina Chung, MD
Will Cho, PA
Mohamed Elshazly, MD
Christopher McGann, MD
Monique Mones Young, NP
Jill Schaeffer, MSN, CRNP, CCDS, CEPS, FHRS
Bassam Wanna, MD
Brent D. Wilson, MD, PhD

To what extent were the following learning objectives addressed by this activity (5 = entirely, 3 = moderately, 1 = not at all)?

Stimulate consensus building on treatment choices for recurrent arrhythmias pre- and post- ablation, mobile health applications, ablation techniques, mapping, and other current and developing technologies and intervention
Review the latest and currently developing knowledge of the critical issues around atrial fibrillation and related comorbidities and risks such as strokes, GI, and gastroenterology involvement, and post-ablation bleeding
Facilitate a focus on new technologies, recent research findings, and new procedures available for improved patient care
Impact the development and use of procedures and treatments including but not limited to anti-fibrotic drugs, new EP techniques, and other pharmacologic agents
The information presented in this activity was free of commercial bias.

Do you intend to make any additional changes to your practice as a result of information gained from this activity? Please be specific.

Which of the following barriers do you perceive in your efforts to implement practice changes and/or optimize patient care? Select all that apply.
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