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Tackling Myths about Long-Acting Injectables in Schizophrenia: LAIs are Too Difficult to Implement in Practice (Module 4)


Rebecca is a 31-year-old woman living with schizophrenia who has had prior trials of aripiprazole, olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine. She was prescribed each of these medications for 9-12 months until they were discontinued due to lack of efficacy when a psychotic relapse occurred. She lives with her parents and helps her father, who has Type 1 diabetes, take his insulin injections. She says she feels comfortable with small needles but larger needles make her uncomfortable since a traumatic situation involving emergent forced IM medications when she became violent during a prior hospitalization. Which of the following LAIs would be the best overall choice for her?
Please now rate your ability to use currently available therapies to manage schizophrenia.